A Visually Stunning Week in Tok

This week has seen a LOT of stuff come to Tok, both in terms of aesthetics and in functionality.

Tok now has support for displaying animated stickers.


tok with blur

Tok now offers an option to show the background behind its window with a blurry effect (on Plasma).

Music Player

tok showing music player

Tok now has an integrated music player allowing you to play music sent to you over Telegram. It integrates nicely with your desktop, showing up in the media controls.

Member List

tok showing member list

Tok now has a member list to the right of your chat, or by pressing the i button on mobile.

Improved File Handling

tok showing a file

Tok now has an improved file delegate, showing you an icon for the file, and you can now click the file to open it with an external program.

Colour Schemes

tok showing colour scheme selection

Tok now allows you to select colour schemes.

Minor Mobile Improvements

tok with mobile improvements

Tok has had a handful of improvements on mobile form factors, the most noticeable being the presence of the room picture when in the room view, and the back button correctly showing.


Tok's stability has improved.

Removed unneeded drums.

Obtaining Tok

Tok can be built from source from https://invent.kde.org/network/tok.

The support/development room is at https://t.me/kdetok.


Interested in contributing? Come on by the dev chat and say hello.

Tags: #libre #tok